Pemmikan Bar

£8.95 available on subscription

Kronch Pemmikan is a high-energy supplementary feed that provides almost instant usable energy for dogs. It’s made from essential levels of fat, protein, and glucose.

Category: SKU: Pemmikan


Kronch Pemmikan is a high-energy supplementary feed designed to provide almost instant usable energy for dogs. It’s particularly beneficial for dogs worked under extreme conditions, helping to overcome and prevent the effects of hypoglycemia.

Made from essential levels of fat, protein, and glucose, Kronch Pemmikan allows you to give your dog large amounts of easily digestible energy from a small volume of feed. It’s also useful in helping dogs recover from bouts of illness and operations, and in building up bitches after a litter of puppies.

Suitable for hunting dogs and guard dogs, Kronch Pemmikan fills your dog with energy and allows them to perform at a constant high level all day long, especially in the cold spring and winter months. It also makes your dog more alert, counteracts stress at exhibitions and in similar situations involving long waits, making your dog easier to manage.

Kronch Pemmikan is a pure natural product, free from preservatives or artificial colouring / flavouring, and comes with a practical dosage pump for easy administration. Experience the Kronch difference with our Pemmikan product, and give your dog the nutrition they deserve.

Kronch Pemmikan – Development

Kronch Pemmikan was developed in cooperation with the Sirius Patrol.

The Sirius Patrol was in need of a highly concentrated yet compact source for energy to feed their sledge dogs when on patrol in arctic Greenland.  Many hunters and dog sports people have tested Kronch Pemmikan as an energy supplement in a number of situations. It was found that the dog’s level of performance remained high all day long in demanding and/or stressful situations, such as on hunts, at exhibitions, and during tests.
Kronch Pemmikan was part of the feeding program on the Sirius Expedition in 2000 and is now used with great success in Fly-Ball, Agility, Herding, Canix, Racing and working, field trialling.

Kronch Pemmikan – Prevention of Hypoglycemia in Hunting Dogs

Hypoglycemia ( low blood sugars ) is normally a syndrome that occurred with puppies or young dogs and may be induced by stress, travel, new home etc and looked a little if you can imagine like a stroke so no real life, very weak, open-mouthed shivers normally in the face area.

It is basically like the human version a critical drop in blood sugar to the brain meaning seizures occur and eventually the pup, untreated would slip into a coma. No real early signs in a pup but generally due to not eating, travel or over playing with another dog or toy for example. They can also be triggered by enteritis when body levels, of course, become depleted.

In hunting or working dogs the condition is different in that it is triggered by excess workload and inadequate feeding or fuel to last the day.

Hypoglycemia in hunting / working dogs develops when the dog’s blood glucose levels go under 50.  Blood glucose is the most important energy source, and in hunting / working dogs the dog’s brain will become deprived from it. The difficulty seems to occur when the dog‘s body is unable to convert glycogen to glucose in a timely matter to satisfy the dog’s energy needs.  In simple terms we ask the dog to work beyond the levels it can convert adequate amounts of glucose.  Most dogs will appear to be disoriented and act like something is not right hence people have reported the dog looking drunk, staggering, confused etc.  Others may have a full course of seizures laying on the ground, panting furiously and glazed eyes that will leave them very exhausted.  Coma and death are not that common but it can occur in severe cases without treatment as well as cases of brain damage can occur.  Luckily, the condition can easily be treated and corrected.  Treatment consists of providing the dogs with the glucose manually that they are not producing fast enough or normally have run out of fuel to convert.

This can be accomplished by providing the glucose orally as fast as possible.  Most dogs recover rapidly after rubbing some honey or glucose, syrup etc on their gums and this needs to be rubbed all around the mouth.  Be wary that some confused dogs may snap or bite. They do not need to actually swallow it, their gums will absorb the glucose promptly straight into the bloodstream.

Kronch Pemmikan – What Is Hypoglycemia?

The blood glucose crisis is a scary experience for both dog and owner, so handlers should take measures to prevent this from happening again. Stopping the dog every now, rest, leaving a drive out and then and offering some high energy food may help prevent this disorder from happening. Pemmican has been designed for this although all will have different options.  Pemmikan delivers warmth, energy and glucose and is tested in harsh conditions from Alaska to the Grouse moor.  As the season progresses the dogs will, of course, get fitter and the less likelihood of an attack but understanding the early signs are important like laying in water, not being able to drink due to excessive panting and of course the familiar staggered walk. A good diet, of course, will help and working dogs generally operate better when they are no more than 10 percentage points between protein and fat with protein being between 20 and 25%.

It is also important to take along an emergency kit like honey straws for example which easily dissolves or the good old small jar of hotel honey.

In a study of 12 hypoglycemic history dogs with Edinburgh University Veterinary Dept. on the grouse moor, Pemmikan stopped any recurrence of the condition.

Remember the terrain gets harder, the birds get bigger, the guns get better, the bags get larger but the dog still has the same engine.

Extremes of hot and cold compound the condition and any dog will become susceptible if overworked which they do to please you.

Kronch Pemmikan – Ingredients

Lard, vegetable fat, fish meal, dextrose, corn, barley, brewer’s yeast and garlic. Kronch Pemmikan contains 24% protein and 59% fat.

Kronch Pemmikan – Nutritional content per 100g

  • Energy 2485 kJ/600 kcal
  • Crude protein 24 g
  • Crude fat 59 g
  • Crude fibre 0,5 g
  • Crude ash 6,8 g
  • Water 4,1 g

Kronch Pemmikan – Additives per 100g

  • Calcium (Ca) 1,5 g
  • Sodium (Na) 0,3 g
  • Phosphorus (P) 1,0 g
  • Magnesium (Mg) 0,2 g
  • Potassium (K) 0,5 g
  • Iron (Fe) 0,1 mg
  • Zink (Zn) 22,5 mg
  • Copper (Cu) 1,0 mg
  • Manganese (Mn) 6,7 mg
  • Iodine (I) 0,5 mg
  • Cobalt (Co) 0,0 mg
  • Selenium (Se) 0,8 mg

Additional information

Weight 0.400 kg
Bag Size

5kg, 13.5kg